2024 Volunteer Highlights

Volunteers brought smiles to hundreds of residents as they served meals at the Thanksgiving Community Dinner at both the Newhall and Canyon Country Community Centers. Other volunteers helped with set-up…

Seventy-eight residents gathered on a chilly Saturday morning to volunteer and spread 30 cubic yards of mulch on Bouquet Canyon Road, from Seco Canyon Road to Alamagordo Road. In addition,…

Volunteers were a huge part of the success of Light Up Main Street! They braved the chilly weather and brought a smile to our residents, helping with various activities, carnival…

Thank you to the 300 amazing volunteers who helped with 22 projects during Make a Difference Day! From painting light poles on the paseos to installing sand on the Newhall…

Thank you to the 37 volunteers who lent a hand in beautifying our community on Graffiti Removal Day! They applied a fresh coat of paint over previously removed graffiti, contributing…

Volunteers assisted staff with arts and crafts activities at the Celebrate Cuba event. From creating your own yarn doll to designing a banana leaves and pompom Cuban flags, guests explored…

Six volunteers helped prepare Arts and Craft supplies for Celebrate Cuba. By cutting yarn for Cuban dolls and hole punching banana leaves, staff and event volunteers have an easier experience…

Thank you to the 31 volunteers from the Hart District Summer Trail Crew for your hard work in maintaining the trails at East Walker Ranch Open Space and Aliento Trail.…

Eight Celebrate craft preparation volunteers traced and cut out shapes needed for the Celebrate Sweden’s Swedish paper heart and Viking helmet activities. By preparing craft materials for the event, staff…

Boy Scout Jeevan Venkateswaran and his 21 volunteers built 13 archery stands at the Santa Clarita Archery Range as part of his Eagle Scout project. They also laid down the…

Volunteers, young and old, acted as “injured survivors” at the culmination of the CERT class. Thank you to these volunteers for helping class participants practice the skills they learned during…

Attendees of all ages had a fun time at Dia de los Ninos, thanks in part to our volunteers who helped with various activities and arts and crafts.

A group of young, enthusiastic volunteers assisted Mayor Smyth and City Councilmembers in planting a tree at Heritage Park as part of Arbor Day. Thank you for your participation and…

Over 300 community members volunteered during the city-wide Neighborhood Clean-Up event to remove litter and debris from paseos, trails, and neighborhoods. Thank you for participating to enhance your neighborhoods and…

Volunteers from Nusano, Inc., a local research and product development company, worked with City staff to improve the Taylor Loop Trail, a 2.7-mile path. They planted acorns, picked up trash,…

Three wooden puncheon bridges were added to the roving range as part of Rakshan Reddy’s Eagle Scout project. Rakshan and his 14 helpers spent 168 hours at the Archery Range…

The 2023 Volunteer Impact Report highlights the impact of volunteers on the community and showcases why and how they are an important part of the City of Santa Clarita’s operations.…

Happy National Volunteer Week to the thousands of volunteers who selflessly contribute their time and efforts to the City! Staff celebrated volunteers and showed the City’s appreciation for their contributions,…

Thank you to our awesome volunteers who helped make the Cowboy Festival’s return to Hart Park a success! Our volunteers’ enthusiasm was visible at interactive booths, including milk bottle and…

The 2024 Celebrate series kicked off with Brazil as the featured country, and our volunteers were there to help make this popular event a success. Volunteers helped with various arts…

A wet Saturday morning did not stop our volunteers from bringing joy to hundreds of kids who braved the rain themselves to enjoy Eggstravaganza Egg Hunt. Volunteers spread plastic eggs…

Enthusiastic volunteers helped residents get creative at the annual Youth Arts Showcase. They facilitated hands-on arts and crafts and various activities enjoyed by the community. This event was held in…

Mayor Cameron Smyth and the City Council recognized recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Award at the Volunteer Recognition event at The Cube. Fifty-seven volunteers earned this prestigious award in…

The Wildland Weed Warriors accomplished a significant task by weeding around approximately 20 oak trees that one of the group’s founders had planted along the main trail at Golden Valley…

A Girl Scout troop was joined by other volunteers to spread mulch on the west side of Avenue Stanford, stretching from Avenue Hall to Vanderbilt Way. With determination and teamwork,…

Girl Scout Troop 1762 built and installed a mini library in Towsley Canyon’s parking lot for their Silver Award. This project exemplifies their commitment to service and leadership, while promoting…

The Old Town Library in Newhall welcomed twenty-five Junior High volunteers on a rainy Sunday to help with a clean-up project. The young volunteers showed great enthusiasm and team spirit…
2023 Volunteer Highlights

Thank you to Scout Colin Parsons for an important addition to our trail system as part of his Eagle Scout project. Colin undertook the ambitious task of coordinating, planning, and…

The annual Family Literacy Festival at Old Town Newhall Library enchanted attendees with the magic of books and reading. A fantastic team of 32 volunteers played a vital role in…

This year's Light Up Main Street really brought on the festive vibes, all thanks to our amazing volunteers! A big shout out to the fantastic 37 volunteers who showed up…

Over 90 volunteers, aged 7-71, made significant contributions in various community service projects during the Make a Difference Day event. Volunteers replaced cabinets at the Boys and Girls Club, organized…

Canyon Country Community Day was a big success, fostering an atmosphere of unity among volunteers, ranging in age from 11 to 78, who participated in mulching and painting. Thanks to…

The Wildland Weekend Warriors hosted their first-ever BioBlitz event, offering outdoor enthusiasts a chance to explore the beauty of Elsmere Canyon Open Space while contributing to essential community science. Sixteen…

The 28th Annual River Rally welcomed over 1,100 enthusiastic volunteers who gathered to clear out the Santa Clara riverbed. This event provided a perfect volunteer opportunity that resonated with individuals,…

"Celebrate" is an exceptional cultural celebration that showcases history and traditions from diverse corners of the globe in the heart of Canyon Country. Taking place every second Friday from April…

Dedicated volunteers continue to collaborate closely with City staff to organize and execute maintenance projects at the Trek Bike Park. Their tasks involve hosing down the bike park terrain to…

The annual Summer Reading Program (SRP) returned to our public libraries, and this year's theme was "Find Your Voice." Over the course of seven weeks, residents of all ages were…

Young volunteers had fun helping City Councilmembers plant a tree at Heritage Park, in celebration of Arbor Day and as part of this year’s Neighborhood Clean-Up event.

Over 350 volunteers joined hands to make Santa Clarita cleaner and greener! Residents came together with friends and family to participate in the Neighborhood Clean-Up event, dedicated to celebrating Earth…

After a few years of absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Santa Clarita once again paid homage to its vibrant Western heritage through the highly-anticipated Cowboy Festival, drawing thousands of…

The Mayor and City Council recognized the 2021-22 recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Award at the annual Volunteer Recognition event held at The Cube. In addition, during the April…

April 16-23 was National Volunteer Week. Staff celebrated volunteers and showed the City’s appreciation for their contributions, including a City Council proclamation and recognition, two paseo bridge banners, sending volunteers…

Volunteers helped stuff plastic eggs with prizes in preparation for the upcoming Eggstravaganza event. Their assistance played a significant role in creating a fun-filled experience for everyone involved.

The success of our Youth Sports program is truly remarkable, thanks to the invaluable contributions of hundreds of dedicated volunteer coaches. Their generosity of heart enables us to provide the…
2022 Volunteer Highlights

Santa Clarita is a much better place to live, work and play, thanks to our dedicated volunteers! Check out our 2022 Volunteer Impact Report and see how our volunteers make…

Forty-nine volunteers, ranging in age from 14 to 79, received the President's Volunteer Service Award for their volunteer work with the City of Santa Clarita in 2021-22. They helped the…

It was another successful Family Literacy Festival at the Old Town Newhall Library, thanks in part to our volunteers who helped in a variety of ways. Volunteers assisted with set-up…

Thanks to volunteers, bike riders can experience safer and enjoyable rides at the Trek Bike Park. Volunteers helped sweep excess debris off climbs, shovel away loose rocks, repair rivets after…

It's the season for giving thanks and our volunteers are here for it! Volunteers helped provide Thanksgiving Dinners at both the Newhall and Canyon Country Community Centers which were well…

Volunteers helped ring in the holidays at Light Up Main Street and brought a lot of smiles to thousands of community members who attended the event.

Volunteers acted as “injured survivors” to help CERT participants simulate a real-world disaster scenario and practice what they’ve learned throughout the seven-week series on emergency preparedness. Check out the Gallery for more…

What a fun way to volunteer! Gory and bloody volunteer zombies had so much fun chasing participants at the Zombie Run. Check out the Gallery for more photos. …

Volunteers helped prepare the Youth Grove for the annual Evening of Remembrance. They arranged flowers around the central monument, cleaned and polished each individual stump, and helped with event logistics.…

It was another successful River Rally, with over 1,200 community members, ranging in age from 2 to 81, volunteering for this event. These volunteers picked up 11,320 pounds of trash…

Almost 100 volunteers came together on a beautiful August morning to lend a hand and clean up Newhall. They picked up trash, spread mulch, and painted walls in a concerted…

The Santa Clarita City Council recognized volunteers who participated in the City's first Graffiti Removal Day at their 6/28 Council meeting.

Thank you to our awesome volunteers who helped beautify a portion of the Saugus neighborhood as part of the City's first Graffiti Removal Day. Volunteers used 285 gallons of paint…

Sunshine Garden Club members and volunteers spent a beautiful Friday morning planting Russian sage and pink muhly at Heritage Park. These new plants will definitely enhance the looks of the…

Thank you to all our community members who volunteer their time, skills, and talents not only for the City but for our local non-profits as well. Santa Clarita is truly…

In a unique Easter egg hunt (in the pool!), volunteers helped to group kids by age group and hand out prizes at the Splash-&-Dash Egg Hunt at the Aquatic Center.

Volunteers helped bring joy and smiles to thousands of kids who enjoyed their first Eggstravaganza Easter egg hunt since the pandemic. Volunteers spread thousands of plastic eggs on the fields…

In celebration of Earth Day and Arbor Day, hundreds of volunteers went out into their neighborhoods to pick up trash at the 2nd Neighborhood Clean-Up event.

Gearing up for Eggstravaganza! Volunteer stuffed hundreds of eggs with prizes in preparation for Eggstravaganza.

As part of the City of Santa Clarita's One Story One City program and this year's book selection, "The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative"…

Volunteers worked hard at removing invasive plants and replacing them with native plants at the Golden Valley Ranch Open Space at the Placerita Canyon Road Trailhead. This is the beginning…

Shout out to all the ladies who volunteer with us! In celebration of International Women’s Day, we recognize and thank you for your hard work and contributions to our community.…

Girl Scout Troop 546 built six owl boxes to complement Parks staff’s efforts to provide owls with a nesting place and a safe haven. What a wonderful way to give…

As part of his Eagle Scout project, Ryan Robes and his group of volunteers built and installed two Little Free Libraries in Needham Ranch and Newhall Pass Open Spaces. What…

The Elder Trail Crew was recognized by the City Council for all that they do to build and maintain trails in the City’s Open Space properties. This dedicated group meets…

Volunteers from the Santa Clarita Valley Trail Users (SCVTU) continued work on the Crest-to-Coast Trail, providing a crucial connection to dozens of other trails in SCV. The future Crest-to-Coast Trail…

On Wednesday mornings, weather-permitting, a group of dedicated volunteers can be seen at any of the City’s Open Spaces building or maintaining trails that our residents enjoy on their hikes. …

Teen volunteers at the Canyon Country Library were busy and productive! BOOK DISPLAYS -- volunteers researched, decided on a theme, searched the library catalog to find books, decorated display racks,…
2021 Volunteer Highlights

Santa Clarita is definitely a better place with you in it. Click here and here for the 2021 Volunteer Impact, and see the amazing work our volunteers have done. 3,312…

Volunteer coaches are a crucial part of the City's Youth Sports programs. They help provide a fun, safe, and high-quality experience for youth participants.

Canyon Country Library volunteers created themes and beautiful art in the Teen area. They worked together to create rough sketches based on a theme and then translated them into a…

Volunteer contributions continue to be vital to the success of City events and programs. Volunteers for the Winter Magic Celebration at the Newhall Community Center helped run carnival games and…

Volunteers were a huge help at the Family Literacy Festival! They assisted library staff at the booths, guided staff in costumes as they walked around the festival, and helped with…

Volunteers continue to help maintain the pump and BMX tracks at the Trek Bike Park and do a fantastic job to keep it ready for users.

Volunteers had as much fun as community members who came to the Thanksgiving Harvest event at the Newhall Community Center.

Volunteers were a big help in setting up for the Halloween Carnival and Haunted House, and manning the different games and arts and craft booths.

Volunteer zombies had fun chasing participants and creating an exciting and spooky experience at this year's Zombie Run!

Students from The Master's University planted shrubs at Canyon Country Park on a beautiful Friday morning. These shrubs are a great addition to the park, not only filling in the…

Citadel EHS employees and their families planted drought-tolerant shrubs on the parking lot planters at Canyon Country Park. These shrubs replaced old plants that have been disturbed over the years…

Congratulations to Alice Xie, the City's first Gold award recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award! Alice has contributed over 100 hours to our libraries within the past 12 months. …

The City's Volunteer Engagement Program hosted SCV non-profits for the Non-Profit Symposium, featuring an engaging presentation by LaVal Brewer on how to turn volunteers into donors. It was nice to…

Student volunteers cleaned the individual stumps at the Youth Grove in preparation for the annual Evening of Remembrance to raise awareness about safe and responsible driving. The Youth Grove is…

Over 1,200 community members, young and old, volunteered at the River Rally event on September 18, collecting a total of 12,456 pounds of trash from a portion of the Santa…

Scout Patrick Done and his volunteer helpers painted two arches and installed mileage signs, emergency location markers and two benches along the main hiking trail at Needham Ranch Open Space…

Our volunteers had fun while helping as timers at the USA Swimming Futures Championships at the Aquatic Center!

SCV Trail Users volunteers continue building the connection trail between Newhall Pass and Gates-King Open Space, which will be a key connection in the Crest-to-Coast Trail that will run from…

The City's Volunteer Engagement Program received the Rising to Excellence Award from the National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (NAVPLG). This special award recognizes a local volunteer program…

To give back and thank the City for saving The Cube, West Ranch Hockey Club members volunteered to plant drought-tolerant acacia plants in Pamplico Park.

Valencia United Methodist Church volunteers painted 150 feet of linear fencing around Canyon Country Park to improve the park's look.

Volunteers help with general maintenance at the Trek Bike Park on Wednesday mornings to keep the popular park safe for riders.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints volunteers planted 200 one-gallon acacia plants to fill in bare plant areas surrounding the pool perimeter at Valencia Meadows Park.

Boys and Girls Club teens planted icebergs, little johns and pink muhly to improve park aesthetics and fill in bare areas surrounding the baseball field at Plum Canyon Park.

Showing our gratitude to our wonderful volunteers through paseo bridge banners. Thank you for everything that you do for our community!

Mayor Bill Miranda thanks our volunteers in this video for their contributions to the community, especially in the midst of the pandemic. We really have the best volunteers!

Girl Scout Troop 546 spread native plant seeds to keep the invasive mustard plants from taking over the burned area in the Rivendale Park and Open Space. They also planted…

Volunteers from the SCV Trail Users spent a Saturday morning softening the climb that connects riders to mountain bike trails at the Trek Bike Park. Softening the frequently-used upline enhances…

Congratulations and thank you to our first recipients of the President's Volunteer Service Award. These amazing volunteers have given more than 100 hours for City projects this past year.

The City has been recently approved as an official Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. This national recognition was established by President George W. Bush in 2002 to…

The countdown to reopening day is on! Volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints got busy preparing The Cube for the community. They helped with the preparation…
2020 Volunteer Highlights

The challenges of 2020 did not deter volunteers from stepping up and making a difference. Thank you!! 2,477–Number of City volunteers in 2020 (= 9.5 FTE) 19,743–Number of volunteer hours…

New on this site, the Santa Clarita Volunteer Hub offers non-profits a new avenue to recruit volunteers, and gives residents a central place to find volunteer opportunities in the community.

Volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints came together to beautify the area affected by the recent Elsmere Fire. They spread mulch around the upper and lower…

Volunteers, young and old, were all over town picking up trash at the Neighborhood Clean-Up event on September 26. Thank you for helping keep our community clean!

A group of 37 volunteers spent the morning of Saturday, August 29, to shape turns and jumps at the new Santa Clarita Bike Park. Some of these volunteers are bike…

Trail volunteers continue to put in a trail at the south end of The Center at Needham Ranch. This project started in June and has several more work days to…

Volunteers, young and old, acted as “injured survivors” for a disaster simulation drill at the culmination of the 7-week Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) program.

Fifteen City volunteers were recognized for having contributed 100 hours and more to City programs in 2019. Thank you for your dedication!

Volunteers from the SCV Trail Users group built a multi-use trail at the Golden Valley Open Space, which our residents are sure to enjoy.

Boy Scout Cole Martin and his volunteers built a shade structure at the Archery Range for his Eagle Scout project. This is a wonderful addition to this recreational space.
2019 Volunteer Highlights

Volunteers from SCV Church of Christ worked with Parks staff to install new plant material in parking dividers and medians at Central Park. The new plants replaced aging plant material…

Over 50 volunteers from SCV Trail Users and SCV Mountain Bike Team joined forces to pick up trash and clear the trails at Haskell Canyon Open Space. Thanks to their…

Over 800 volunteers helped at the Santa Clarita Marathon Heroes Weekend on November 2 and 3. Volunteers served as Course Monitors and manned water stations, and Cheer teams from local…

Two Eagle Scout projects were completed by scouts and volunteers in October. Twenty-four volunteers built and installed a new pergola on the Promenade Trailhead, while another 19 volunteers added three…

Santa Clarita came out in full force for the River Rally Clean-Up on September 21. More than 1,400 community members worked together to removed 5,380 pounds of trash and debris…

Volunteers from Christ Church SCV Youth Group got together for a clean-up project at the Iron Horse Trailhead on August 31. They trimmed back brush beyond the fence line and…

Volunteers played an important role at the Swim League Finals and LA84 Swim Festival this summer, with a majority of them serving as lane timers while a dozen others helped…

Volunteers from Princess Cruises braved the heat on July 17 and worked with Graffiti Removal staff to paint a section of the South Fork trail along Wiley Canyon Road. They…

Volunteers served as Course Marshals at Amgen Tour of California’s Men’s Stage 7 and Women’s Stage 3 on May 18 as world-class cyclists raced to the Finish Line from Santa…

On May 16, 38 high school seniors and chaperones from the American Preparatory Academy in Las Vegas helped Parks staff put new plants in Central Park planters. The students were…

More than 300 volunteers helped to make the Cowboy Festival a success this past weekend. From greeting Festival attendees at the Shuttle Site and as they enter Hart Park to…

Our volunteers helped brought smiles (and Easter eggs!) to hundreds of kids at the Eggstravaganza Egg Hunt in Central Park. Prior to the event, volunteers helped stuff thousands of plastic…

More than 100 community members volunteered at Earth Arbor Day in Central Park. Majority of these volunteers, including Girl Scout troops, planted trees at various areas in the park while…
2018 Volunteer Highlights

The 12th annual Family Literacy Festival was hosted on Saturday, December 1, at the Old Town Newhall Library. Over 30 volunteers came out to help teachers and artists in activity…

A group of 51 volunteers from the SCV Church of Christ spread about 800+ linear feet x 10’ of mulch on the burned area along Newhall Ranch Road on Saturday, January…

Canyon Country and Old Town Newhall Libraries hosted clean-up days for National Junior Honor Society members in January and February. Realizing the challenge that younger volunteers face in finding volunteer…

Volunteers from the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) were recognized by the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission on February 8, 2018 for all their hard work to build…
2017 Volunteer Highlights
April and May are typically busy event months for the City, as they are for volunteers who are an integral part of City events and programs. In the past month…
The Volunteer Recognition Pool Party was held on Saturday, May 20. Mayor Pro Tem Laurene Weste was on hand to thank City volunteers for their contributions to the City and…
The trails volunteer group completed their work on the Elder Trail, a 1.7-mile trail in the Taylor Open Space. They began work on the Cabin Trail in the Gateway Open…
As part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ Valencia Stake Youth Conference, 127 volunteers from this church group worked with City staff to do clean-up, painting, and…
Twenty-four agents from Princess Cruises volunteered and spent part of their morning on June 8 painting the McBean Parkway Bridge by the Post Office and McDonalds. The lead for this…
Close to 1,000 community members volunteered at the Marathon on November 5. Families and individuals served as Course Monitors and helped at the Recovery Zone while 30 groups volunteered at…
2016 Volunteer Highlights
Saturday, March 26, was a very busy day for City volunteers. Thirty-two teen volunteers helped to make Eggstravaganza on March 26 another success. Sixteen volunteers stuffed thousands of eggs with gift…
A total of 177 volunteers, between the ages of three and 68, helped with Earth Arbor Day on April 16-17. Girl Scout troops, school groups, and families planted trees throughout…
Orange Amgen volunteer shirts dotted parts of the race route on Monday, May 16, worn by volunteer Course Marshals who helped provide a safe venue for the Amgen Tour of…
City volunteers, young and old, proudly represented the City of Santa Clarita and its Volunteer Engagement Program at the 4th of July Parade in Newhall. Wearing volunteer shirts from different City…
Hart District’s ROP Forestry students braved the heat in June to work on trails maintenance projects in Quigley Canyon and Whitney Canyon. The group did 100 dedicated crew hours in…
More than 1,300 community members, from age 3 to 82, volunteered to help clean a portion of the Santa Clara River on Saturday, September 17. Students, Girl and Boy Scouts,…
Eighty-seven Magic Mountain employees traded their usual activities in the theme park for a day of service in the City’s Open Space properties, including Iron Horse/Round Mountain, Towsley Canyon/Rivendale, and…
Volunteers came in full force for the 21st Santa Clarita Marathon. Approximately 900 volunteers helped to make the Marathon on November 6 another success, most of them manning water stations while…
2015 Volunteer Highlights
Approximately 125 community members attended the Cowboy Festival Volunteer Round-Up on March 24, 2015, where staff provided information about the new Festival venues as well as standard and new activities. The round-up…
About 220 volunteers contributed to the success of the Cowboy Festival on April 15-18, 2015. Volunteers lent a helping hand at the City’s information, media, and merchandise booths, served as…
Twenty-four volunteers stuffed thousands of eggs with donated gift certificates in preparation for the Eggstravaganza event on April 4, 2015. Seven other volunteers helped at the actual event, spreading the eggs…
The City of Santa Clarita’s Volunteer Engagement Program was featured in NAVPLG’s Spring 2015 newsletter. The spotlight outlines what the City is doing to celebrate and recognize volunteers.
Over 170 volunteeers, between the ages of three and 67, helped make the Earth Arbor Day Festival on April 11, 2015 a success. The younger volunteers helped with tree planting…
Fifty-six volunteers braved the elements on May 14, 2015 when the Amgen Tour of Californiarolled into town. Volunteers helped as Course Marshals, Security Ambassadors, Medical Control Escorts, Team Meal Volunteers, and…
Staff from the Parks Planning and Open Space Division and the Volunteer Engagement Program worked closely to organize three volunteer projects at Quigley Canyon between March and May, 2015. As…
Youth Sports and Healthy Families Festival on August 22, 2015, and helped provide a fun and safe environment for community members. Volunteers assisted staff in various areas, including kayaking, paddle boarding,…
Over 1,200 community members came out to help clean a portion of the Santa Clara River at the 21st annual River Rally on September 19, 2015. Volunteers — young and old — donned…
Almost 100 volunteers from Boston Scientific boarded the Do Good Bus on October 16, 2015 for a clean-up and beautification project at Quigley Canyon. The volunteers planted six oak trees,…
Over 900 volunteers helped make the 20th Santa Clarita Marathon on November 8, 2015 run smoothly and cheered runners along the way. Volunteers manned water stations and provided water and…